Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Fit Bride: Juicing to Good Health

I recently watched a great documentary name "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and learned a lot about juicing.  When I talk about juicing I don't mean putting needles in your butt to get huge.  Obviously that's not the look you are going for on your wedding day.

Juicing your own fruit is a great way to stay away from processed juices in the store that are full of sugar and preservatives.  The volume of micronutrients you can get from your own fruit and vegetable juice goes above and beyond any amount you can get from store bought juice.  Those vitamins and minerals help our body with so many processes that will help you look and feel your best on your wedding day.

After watching this documentary I decided to try it for myself.  It was absolutely the best juice I have ever tried in my life.  I ran apples, strawberrys, pineapples, oranges, pears, carrots and various other fruits and vegetables through my juicer and everything tasted great.  I had more energy and less allergies after a few days of drinking my very own juice.

Homemade juice would be a great way to add a healthy snack and make sure you are getting the micronutrients needed.  This will help you feel vibrant and look great for your big day.  If you have any direct questions about juicers or recipes please check out the website for "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"  or email me at

Get Healthy and Juiced!!

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